Sunday, August 19, 2007

2007 Graduate!

As a little girl, I always dreamed about going to my first school dance, driving and the independence that came along with a car, going on my first date, graduating from high school, going to BYU, getting married, and eventually going to law school. Never in my childhood did I find myself daydreaming about graduating from college. It was a given, a step-stone to law school. I had rarely given it a thought.

Perhaps this is why my convocation was so much fun, no anticipated events or outcomes.

The first thing that I was sure would ruin my day was the fact that my convocation started at 8 IN THE MORNING! And I still hadn't picked up my cap and gown. This meant that we had to be up at 6am, a full hour before I normally wake up. But surprisingly, I was fine. No one else seemed to grumpy either. I had a very supportive group of family come to see my convocation which was really great. Kyle was there, of course, along with my mom, Rose Ann (Kyle's mom), Kyle's sisters Sheri and Karryn and my niece Tiffani.

We got many photo ops, as expected, because it's really all about the pictures anyways. I was able to talk with some of my old bosses and co-workers at the Daily Universe. I don't think I will have ever such a fun, casual, well-paying job as that! I returned about $500 worth of textbooks and got $215 back. Not too bad, I suppose, but very discouraging when I paid $150 for a textbook and they pay me back $35. Better in my pocket than on my shelf, however. My family was very generous and I was able to purchase a beautiful diploma frame and a BYU jacket which I have always always wanted. It was a fantastic day!

The one thing I do wish had happened is that I graduated with some friends. Because I took my major classes before my general education classes, most of my friends from my major graduated a year before I did because I still had my generals and the adventure of Washington DC before that walk across the stage.

So now I am done. College is over and I have to be a grown up now and manage a career. So far, I love my job, but I've never stayed in a job longer than a year and a half.

But be sure, law school is still in the future...someday!

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